Key Features

real-time collaboration and suggestions feature in Multicollab dashboard

Available in PRO

Real-time Collaboration

Collaborate with multiple users simultaneously and edit content together in real-time. Now your content teams can work more efficiently, make instant changes, and witness content come to life collaboratively — right in the WordPress interface.

  • Henry is editing this block Henry Save time and effort by allowing multiple users to access and edit the same post simultaneously.
  • Jennifer is editing this block Jennifer Streamline the reviewing and editing process by enabling users to exchange feedback and comments within the dashboard itself.

Current Limitations:

1) Doesn’t work with suggestion mode.

2) Supports five concurrent users.

Feature Real-time Collaboration
Inline Comment in WordPress Draft

Inline Comment

Add inline comments to any text or media in your blog post for review by others. You can select any text/media and add comments, just like in Google Docs.

  • Easily add comments on any part of the content inside Gutenberg.
  • Comment on any text or media during post-draft and editing.
Author Image

Angela Morrison

Resolve this thread?
Author Image

Angela Morrison

12:15 PM Today
  • Accept suggestion
  • Reject suggestion
More Options…

Delete: (workflows)
Author Image

Henry Watson

10:30 AM Today
  • Accept suggestion
  • Reject suggestion
More Options…

Format: Bold font

Available in PRO

Suggestion Mode

Track your content creation process by using Suggestion Mode. You and your team can easily navigate through your workflows together and check assignments off your to-do lists with this feature.

  • Any edits to posts or pages are highlighted to accept, reject and collaborate as needed when combined with mentions and notifications.
  • Teams can easily track WordPress text that has been modified, deleted, or added throughout your editorial workflow.
    (Suggestion mode works on these blocks)
Suggestion mode wordpress editor
Editorial team collaboration in wordpress

Team Collaboration

With reply, resolve, and mention commenting options, the possibilities are endless for creative team collaboration during the publishing process.

  • Invite editorial users to collaborate and comment on a post just by mentioning them.
  • Users will receive email notifications when they are mentioned, allowing them to jump back into the conversation quickly.

Angela Morrison

2 Minutes ago
  • Share
  • Delete

Hello @Henry Watson this text should be highlighted. What do you think?
Assigned to Henry Watson

Henry Watson

Few second ago
  • Share
  • Delete

I agree with you. @Angela Morrison
Here, I am attaching the content of the PDF file as well.

John Doe

2 Minutes ago
  • Share
  • Delete

Hello @Henry Watson this text should be Italic. What do you think?
Assigned to Henry Watson
Resolve this thread?

Email Notifications

With enabled email notifications, you don’t have to sit around and wonder if your team members got that message you sent out. All you have to do is make your edits, assign your comments, and let the plugin do the rest.

  • Instant email notifications make collaborations with your team easier and foster intra-group connectivity.
  • Your team can quickly review and easily click notifications to respond directly in WordPress.
Email integration with multicollab feature
Guest collaboration feature

Guest Collaboration

Invite guests to collaborate without the need to create a WordPress user account. Email invitations with a unique link can be sent directly to editors, clients, and any other stakeholder from within each post. Here are two roles you can assign to a guest collaborator:

  • Commenter: Users can add comments and reply to comments to a post. They can’t edit posts, delete, edit, or close others’ comments.
  • Viewer: Users can view draft post content and view comments left by other users. The user can’t add comments or edit posts.

Available in PRO

Slack Notifications

If you and your team use Slack to communicate internally, you can receive important Multicollab notifications in the Slack channel of your choice.

  • Instant Slack notifications make team collaboration more accessible and allow collaborators to stay in the loop.
  • You will get real-time updates for mentions, replies, and other comment activities in your Slack channel. This allows you to fit Multicollab in a place you know your team will be checking all day.
Slack notification feature
Attach document to comment feature

Attach a document to a comment

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then is a video worth a thousand pictures? The Attach Document feature allows you to share additional references and context to your comment.

  • Collaborators can attach images or documents to their comments and replies.
  • The Attach Document feature opens up a possibility for you to express your thoughts with screenshots, screencasts, audio messages, etc.

Reports and Activity

When you’re dealing with as much content as you are on a daily basis, the basics aren’t enough. With our Advanced Dashboard functionality, you can get better insight into your editorial workflow with transparent data points and an intuitive reporting feature. You’ll never be left in the dark about your content’s progress again.

  • The Activity Timeline monitors collaboration and tracks progress across all pages and posts with easy filtering to view by user, content categories, and time stamps.
  • Discover what your team needs with Quick Snapshot Reporting for the latest comment activities on each page and post.
Advance report for draft editing

Custom Permissions

Decide which team members should have permission to manage comments and suggestions in Multicollab.

  • You can configure who should have access to add a comment, resolve comments, and disable comments.
  • You can configure who should have access to accept or reject suggestions.


This feature helps in enhancing the accessibility of the Multicollab plugin for users who do not follow the English language.

  • With this feature, you can use the Multicollab plugin in 6 distinct languages – German, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French, and Bengali.
  • Everything from comment boards to settings will automatically sync with your selected language so that you can enjoy streamlined collaboration no matter what language is native for you.
Multilingual support
Support from multicollab

Premium Support

The Multicollab support team desires to provide an excellent experience for all your editorial workflow needs. Email support is available anytime.

  • Our dedicated support team is here to assist you with login-level support to diagnose and resolve any issues you may encounter, including conflicts with other website codes.
  • We strive to respond to all customer requests within 24 hours. 48 hours on weekends.

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