Change Log

Premium Version 4.7 (August 23 2024)


Fully compatible with PHP 8.2, ensuring smooth operation with the latest PHP version.


Enhanced email sequences for @mentions and minor fixes to improve overall reliability.

Bug Fix

Improved UI design and resolved layout issues for a more streamlined user experience.

Bug Fix

Resolved issues related to suggestion mode when using custom statuses with the PublishPress plugin.

Premium Version 4.6 (July 23 2024)


Compatibility with WordPress 6.6.


Upgraded React packages.


Extended guest collaboration link from 48 hours to 7 days.

Bug Fix

Resolved attribute suggestion issues.

Bug Fix

Minor fixes for caption suggestion edits.

Bug Fix

Minor fixes for @mention copy/paste features.

Bug Fix

Fixed issues with copy links.

Bug Fix

Addressed problems with accept all & reject all features.

Bug Fix

Ensured suggestion edit compatibility with Jetpack, Rank Math SEO, Spectra, and WooCommerce custom blocks.

Premium Version 4.5 (May 21 2024)


Improved compatibility: Comment shortcode now works seamlessly with the insert-special-character plugin.


Enhanced Suggestion Edit performance.


Table block for compatibility with the latest WordPress version.

Bug Fix

Fixed design issue: Background color of the activity center box is removed when the board is not in focus.

Bug Fix

Fixed design problem: Guest collaboration popup misalignment with Rank Math SEO plugin.

Bug Fix

Corrected share popup user role issues for Multisite setups.

Bug Fix

Addressed Board overlap problem when multiple suggestions are applied to the exact text and block.

Premium Version 4.4.1 (April 25 2024)


Compatible with WordPress 6.5

Premium Version 4.4 (April 04 2024)

Release Notes


Table block allows for the deletion of rows and columns, with added support for suggested edits.


Enhanced real-time editing performance for smoother operation.


Suggested edits for linking in the Media & Text block are now fully compatible.


Comments and suggestions are automatically saved upon addition for a seamless workflow.


Users can now hide comments using keyboard shortcuts  — For Windows alt + Shift + J && For Mac ⌥ Option + Shift + J.


Multicollab now seamlessly integrates with WP Forms and the MemberPress plugin.


Chat widget has been removed for a streamlined experience.


Real-time collaboration features are not included in the Multicollab Lite plan.


Restrict Multiple Users to Edit Same Block.

Premium Version 4.3 (February 14 2024)

Release Notes

Improvements in Suggestion Feature


Introducing the New Lite Plan!


Suggest edits compatible with text formatting options in the table block, including alignment, bold, italic, underline, link, highlight, inline code, inline image, keyboard inputs, strikethrough, subscripts, and superscript.


Users can now add comments on ACF blocks and the block’s text.


Whole block comments now work seamlessly with reusable blocks.


Ensure compatibility with the Multicollab plugin and Gutenberg-built WooCommerce Product Pages.


Redesigned onboarding workflow.


Enhanced suggestions for block attributes.


Suggested edits are compatible with inserting rows and columns in the table block.


Multiple users can simultaneously work on the same block.

Premium Version 4.2 (January 02 2024)

Release Notes

Improvements in Suggestion Feature


You can add suggestions for newly added images across various blocks (Image, Gallery, Cover, Media & Text Blocks).


You can suggest changes for swapping out pictures/images in different parts of your content, like images, galleries, covers, and text sections.


You can suggest edits for cropping images within an Image Block.


You can suggest edits for resizing images in different blocks, including Image, Gallery, and Cover Blocks.


You can add suggestions for additions or replacing audio and video content (Video, Audio).


You can add suggestions in the Video Block for adding, updating, or removing text from the blocks.


You can provide suggestions in the Cover Block for toggling full heights, applying Douton Filter, and changing content position.


Receive Slack notifications when collaborators join or leave a page/post.

Premium Version 4.1 (November 30 2023)

Release Notes


Undo & Redo functionality is now compatible with all default Gutenberg blocks.


Users can now effortlessly copy the link of the post and page to share with Guest users.


 Real-time editing of content requests has been significantly improved.


 Multicollab is now compatible with php8.1.


 Substantial improvement in Email notifications.


 Collaborator details can now be viewed from the activity panel.


 @mention functionality now works seamlessly with copy and paste comments.


 Multicollab is fully compatible with WPML.

Premium Version 4.0 (October 18 2023)

Release Notes


Real-time co-editing allows multiple users to collaborate simultaneously.


 Improvement in API requests.

Other Bug Fixes

Bug Fix

Full Block comment UI.

Premium Version 3.7 (Sep 04 2023)

Release Notes


Compatible with WordPress 6.3.

Other Bug Fixes

Bug Fix

User can get suggestions for Inline image size change.

Bug Fix

Minor fixes on Multiple suggestions.

Bug Fix

Minor fixes on suggestions over the comment feature.

Premium Version 3.6 (July 20 2023)

Release Notes


Introducing Revised Premium Plan


Adding or removing a Table block in the post will be highlighted as a new edit.


You can add suggestions for alignment and lock features.[It is compatible with Image Block, Video Block, Gallery Block, audio Block, Media and text block, and cover block ]


Add and remove block suggestions are fully compatible with the entire block comment.

Other Bug Fixes

Bug Fix

Text blocks alignment features fixes with Add suggestion Permission. [Suggestions feature]

Bug Fix

Minor fixes for all block comments. [Commenting feature]

Bug Fix

Guest user gets logged out when the guest user with “Viewer” and “Commenter” permission is accessing the post. [Guest Collaboration]

Bug Fix

Guest Mode tag not displayed in WordPress v6.2.2. [Guest Collaboration]

Premium Version 3.5 (June 12 2023)

Release Notes


Enable notifications for individual posts and pages for enhanced user experience.

Improvements in Commenting Feature


Commenting features are now supported on the published post’s status.


You can add comments to both individual lines of code within a code block and the entire code block.


You can add Multiple suggestions to the commented text.

Improvements in Suggestion Feature


You can add multiple suggestions to the Pull Quote Text Block.


You can add suggestions for alignment and lock features.[It is compatible with Paragraph, Heading, Quote, Pull Quote, Preformatted, code, verse, and file blocks]

Bug Fix

You can add multiple formatting suggestions on already suggested text issue fixes.

Bug Fix

Avoid word duplication when applying different formatting suggestions to pre-formatted text. Fixed reverse formatting suggestions.

Bug Fix

Remove block issues by rejecting all features.

Bug Fix

You can add a suggestion to the previously commented text.

Bug Fix

@mention functionality for suggestions board.

Bug Fix

Eliminate link suggestion changes on the front end without accepting the suggestion.

Bug Fix

Anchor links are removed from front-end when applying link targets or replacing link suggestions.

Bug Fix

Inline image delete suggestion no longer affects the front-end without accepting the suggestion.

Bug Fix

Indent option suggestion in the listed block is resolved.

Bug Fix

Gallery block caption suggestions fixes.

Bug Fix

Improved suggestion board text for multiple formatting suggestions.

Bug Fix

Accept or reject alignment and lock feature suggestions with a single click.

Bug Fix

Suggestion features when downgrading from premium to free plan.

Other Bug Fixes

Bug Fix

Onboarding wizard runs once upon plugin activation for first-time users.

Bug Fix

Floating icon disappears using keyboard shortcuts (e.g., Shift + directional keys).

Bug Fix

Resolved console error that occurs when deactivating Multicollab plugin.

Bug Fix

Premium plugin could not be deactivated while a free plan was active.

Bug Fix

Enhanced Full Site Editing compatibility in Multicollab for a smoother editing experience.

Bug Fix

Cancel Subscription: feature for seamless termination of plugin subscriptions.

Premium Version 3.4 (May 16 2023)

Release Notes

Improvements in Commenting Feature


You can add Comments on the entire block. [Available for All Text Blocks].

Improvements in Suggestion Feature


You can add multiple suggestions on the same content will be highlighted as an edit. [Available for All Text Blocks].


You can add multiple suggestions on newly added content. [Available for all Text Blocks]


You can add multiple suggestions on recently deleted content. [Available for all Text Blocks]


You can add multiple suggestions to captions of Media blocks. [Available for Media Blocks]


You can add multiple suggestions on custom, dynamic, and reusable blocks. [Available for all Block types]


Adding or removing a block in the post will be highlighted as a new edit. [Available for all Blocks]

Bug Fix

Dynamic and custom block comment fixes.

Bug Fix

Compatible with WordPress 6.2.


Guest users can determine their collaboration activities on a page or post by checking the notification messages. If they have Viewer permission, they will see “Guest Mode” If they have Commenter permission, they will see “Guest Mode: Comment only.”


The invite to collaborate button now says “Share.”


Improve @mention functionality.

Premium Version 3.3 (February 16 2023)

Release Notes


You can invite anyone as a Guest to collaborate on the page or post content! [Available in Premium Plans]


You can now add suggestions directly to the commented text. [Available in Premium Plans]


Add Suggestions to List block, Quote block, PullQuote block, Preformatted block, and Verse block. [Available in PRO & VIP Plans]


Optimize performance for the @mention feature.


Multilingual translations are now possible in Multicollab

Bug Fix

Dynamic and custom block comment fixes.

Premium Version 3.2 (January 03 2023)


Maintenance Release.

Premium Version 3.1 (November 16 2022)

Release Notes


If you and your team use Slack to communicate internally, you can receive important Multicollab notifications of mentions, replies, and other activities in the Slack channel of your choice. Learn more. [Available in VIP Plans]

New Feature

You can accept the suggestion or reject the proposed changes with a single click. [Available in VIP Plans]

New Feature

Multicollab Plugin’s default language is English, it supports many languages like [English, German, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French, and Bengali]. It will sync with your selected language for the WordPress Admin area. [Available in VIP Plans]

New Feature

You can attach files in specific comments. you can share additional references and context to your comment. [Available in VIP Plans]


improvement on dynamic blocks comment.

Bug Fix

Minor fixes in the activity summary.

Premium Version 3.0 (October 18 2022)

Release Notes


You can add a comment on custom, dynamic, and reusable blocks. In some custom and dynamic blocks, you can only add a comment on the entire block, but commenting on the part of the content is not supported yet. [Available in Premium Plans]


Customize publishing workflow: choose if you want to allow publishing the post with pending comments or suggestions. [Available in Premium Plans]


More ways to enable suggestion mode: Configure to automatically turn ON Suggestions for selected post categories, custom post types, pages, and posts for future posts. [Available in PRO and VIP Plans]


Introducing new notifications when you enable/disable suggestions, show/hide comments, etc. 


You can add a new comment on any part of the content, which is highlighted as a suggestion in the post. The earlier version did not support commenting on suggestions. [Available in Premium Plans]


We are introducing a new fresh design for the plugin dashboard and settings. Many options have changed and moved; please take note. 


Improved @mention user experience and performance. 


Improved performance and design enhancement for floating add comment and suggestion buttons. 


Updated add comment button design. 

Bug Fix

Compatible with PHPCS and PHP8. 

Bug Fix

Compatible with ACF plugin. 

Premium Version (August 26 2022 )


User can add comments using a keyboard shortcut — For Windows ctrl + alt + m && For Mac ⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + m.

New Feature

User can add comments & suggestions using a floating button.

New Feature

User can add suggestions on the default heading block.


Optimize code for @mention feature.

Bug Fix

PHP8 compatibilities warnings.

Premium Version (July 29 2022)


Improvement on General Settings – User can enable/disable editorial comment column on post/page list.


Maintenance Release.

Premium Version (May 27 2022)

Bug Fix

Compatible with WordPress 6.0.


Fixed minor issues related to @mention.

Premium Version (May 13 2022)


Maintenance Release.

Premium Version (April 04 2022)

New Feature

Manage Permissions — You can configure the access to add a comment, resolve comments, disable comments, and accept or reject suggestions with the manage permissions feature for various user roles.


Admin can set permission for the info board from the settings panel.


Optimize AJAX request.

Bug Fix

Minor fixes related to the comment board and formatting.

Premium Version 2.0.4 (March 07 2022)


Security Release.

Premium Version 2.0.3 (February 07 2022)


Performance improvements.


Improvement on hide/show suggestion toggle.


Compatible with Table Block.


Compatible with Gallery block Caption.


UI improvement on comment board.


UI improvement on Advance Dashboard.

Bug Fix

Github issue #45 Multicollab breaks when used with plugin HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter is fixed.

Bug Fix

Github issue #40 WP-CLI plugin activation breaks due to redirect are fixed.

Bug Fix

Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x.

Bug Fix

Compatible with PHP 8.0.

Premium Version 2.0.2 (December 10 2021)


Maintenance Release.

Premium Version 2.0.1 (November 30 2021)


Several performance improvements.

Premium Version 2.0.0 (October 26 2021)

New Feature

Comments on text and media — Ability to comment on any media while editing new posts or pages.

New Feature

Suggestion Mode — Suggestions, Review, and Track Changes in post and page.

New Feature

Team members can accept or reject suggestions for each page or post.

New Feature

Team members can add comments on open suggestions.

New Feature

View all pages and post suggestion activity in the Activity Center.

New Feature

View a Summary of comments and suggestions in the Activity Center.

New Feature

Advanced Dashboard — More reports on sitewide commenting and suggesting features.

New Feature

Email Notifications — Get an email notification for mentions, replies, and other activities.

New Feature

Admin can enable/disable email notifications from Settings.

Collaborate Like a PRO in WordPress! 

Bring the power of Google Docs collaboration to your WordPress site.