Top 5 efficient ways a remote editorial team can collaborate in WordPress and Gutenberg

Nimesh Patel
Top 5 efficient ways a remote editorial team can collaborate in WordPress and Gutenberg

Table of Contents

    Over the years, WordPress has significantly evolved through its features, functionalities, themes, plugins, and widgets.

    But behind the significant steps lies a vibrant community that plays an influential role in improving the WordPress experience for developers, freelancers, working professionals, Agency owners, CEOs, CTOs, startups, SMEs, enterprises to brands.

    That’s the real power of community, and of course, WordPress is a technology that enables people to go the extra mile and do something innovative every day. A real beauty!!!

    Soon after the pandemic hit worldwide, everything seemed to be paused for a while. But even in such worsened situations, creativity and innovation did not stop. 

    We were puzzled over this situation, but at some point, we knew that remote work was slowly making its way. 

    Everything went remotely during and after the pandemic, from business operations to collaborating for editorial tasks within an organization. 

    This blog will deep-dive into some of the challenges for a remote editorial team.

    We will not stop there but also discuss the top 5 efficient ways to collaborate in WordPress and Gutenberg.

    Why remote collaboration for the editorial team is essential?

    Today, most organizations have switched over to remote work for their employees.

    In such a scenario, it is essential to have an efficient editorial team who can perform tasks such as editing and content publishing through a collaborative approach.

    Creating content and drafting them well within an organization looks simple but takes a lot of processes to reach the final step.

    This requires constant communication and suggestion from the team to make it impactful through an optimistic approach. 

    Once the content team drafts an article, it becomes vital for an editing team to review each piece of content before publishing them collectively.

    Therefore, the editorial team must always be at the forefront to promptly review content and provide necessary suggestions through team collaboration

    Challenges with Google Docs

    Now, one may think that Google Docs has simplified the task of creating content and sharing it with the team.

    But where is the real challenge?

    It covers multiple steps to publishing content.

    The editorial team faces such issues when relying on someone to write content.

    Because it’s practical when the unit is working remotely, you sometimes find it challenging to figure out whether the person has gone through the suggestions or is working on them.

    In Google Docs, you can suggest necessary edits and mention a person to complete the task.

    But it takes a long time to edit, review, and publish it on the website. Such a tedious task,  isn’t it?

    1. Time consumption β€” Elaborating on each process takes so long and becomes inter dependable over the other. And this pushes the timeline into days, weeks, or even a month. Now, such things can’t be taken for granted in an organization where you have every minute to count. To scale up a business, you need to have seamless business operations that can cut short recurring tasks. Furthermore, this halts tasks for everyone within that team.
    2. Prolonged editing process β€” When you have a big team, most of the time goes around communicating with each other and identifying the issues in the content. It becomes complicated and painful when you have published an article on the website, but soon you get suggestions to take down because of some necessary changes. Now, again it goes to
      Google Docs for the changes, and then after the recurring editorial work, it is shared with a developer or one who publishes each content.
    3. More tasks mean more resources β€” You cannot afford to invest a lot of resources to complete a task at all times. Remember, when the recurring tasks increase, you will require more resources to accomplish them. And for the editorial team, there are a lot of tasks from creating, drafting, editing, and reviewing to publishing each content on the official website.
    4. Real-time suggestions are hard to track β€” When an editorial team is working on a particular article and wants to provide recommendations internally, it’s challenging to follow all of the suggestions through the mail. Sometimes, when you want to review suggestions after a week, it annoys you by returning to those emails or finding that document.
    5. Communication is not seamless β€” When you don’t have the right tool to use daily, it messes up important communication within a team. This happens because each member is not on the same line of communication, making it super complex to increase the efficiency in day-to-day tasks. And this directly affects timeline, productivity, R&D, and editing work.

    Multicollab’s approach to addressing this complexity

    You know what Multicollab plugin has got something that will change the entire collaboration process for a remote editorial team.

    Guess what it is? No clues are to be given.

    Well, do not worry. Here is something that we are revealing just for you.

    Multicollab is a WordPress content collaboration plugin that solves all of the editorial complexities for any size of business globally.

    When you install your WordPress website, using the dashboard in real-time now, you can provide suggestions to your editorial team and make necessary changes within the website itself. 

    Is this the beginning of the new era for the remote editorial team in WordPress and Gutenberg for content collaboration?

    Multicollab!!! Multicollab!!! And Multicollab!!!

    Nothing will come from your mind when you experience it for yourself.

    If something makes it super easy, would you leave that aside?

    No, right?

    Multicollab, one of the WordPress Collaborative Editing plugins has already influenced freelancers, content writers, agencies, companies, and startups within the WordPress community with its features, flexibility, scalability, and promising functionalities using WordPress and Gutenberg. 

    Imagine for a second you can communicate with your team while simultaneously working on the content and accessing the website.

    Here you get the suggestions for necessary changes in the content, and within that place, you can take prompt actions to start working on the suggestions. 

    Using Multicollab, you can perform inline commenting, team collaboration, real-time suggestions, and much more all in one place.

    This is revolutionizing the way remote editorial teamwork in a synchronized fashion to complete daily tasks.

    Let Multicollab be your companion for the business

    Your content might be in text or video format; now, it is possible to share, comment and suggest necessary changes in real-time.

    This saves tons of minutes on what needs to be done next for businesses with an editorial team. 

    Multicollab which is one of the most resourceful WordPress Collaborative Editing plugins has made it easy to collaborate while working on multiple contents and getting suggestions as fast as possible. 

    Businesses have found Multicollab resourceful and prioritized using it extensively for all of the editorial tasks in their organization.

    Today, it’s essential for companies to save budget by using tools that make sit complex to manage in real-time.

    1. Control over the access β€” You have complete access and permissions to allow or disallow a team member from editing a document. This provides you options for choosing members while working on the editorial process. It is totally upon you to give access to a document to a team member and revoke it once the task is accomplished. This helps to eradicate any confusion and unwanted access for members who are not part of the project. Because giving access to someone means having control over the content created and edited.
    1. Advanced Dashboard β€” Multicollab plugin provides a facility to get the updated report about the tasks performed for commenting and suggestions along with the editing part. This further helps a team to keep track of all the tasks performed during a particular timeframe. It also helps in improvising the productivity of the team and performing the most prioritized tasks on time to get the desired output.
    1. Real-time commenting on Media content β€” Be it video, audio, image, or even infographic, or even image gallery; now, it will be easy to comment and ask for specific changes in real-time to the team or an individual to elevate the editing process. This helps in getting real-time feedback for the media content used whether it is relevant to a blog, article, or website content. Saving huge time in reworking the media content all from the scratch and getting the relevant suggestions. 
    1. Team collaboration for the editorial process β€” You can invite a member and share comments while working on a document. This will also enable quick email notification for each team member to stay in the same loop assigned for a specific task. To perform a particular task through a collaborative approach you will need to add a person and distribute the tasks with them to stick with the timeline. So, team collaboration plays a crucial role in simplifying the editorial tasks and achieving the best-expected results. 
    1. Inline Commenting β€” Just like Google Docs, a member can mention and comment on content for any necessary changes inside the Gutenberg editor while working on a blog post or a blog post. This helps in rectifying any mistakes in real-time boosting up the editorial process. And it avoids all of the confusion and long waiting for a team member to get feedback. You will need not go elsewhere to get the feedback instead while you work on a document in Gutenberg editor there itself you can get all comments from the team.


    To eradicate the complexities of a remote editorial team collaborating in WordPress and Gutenberg, Multicollab will significantly simplify the editing process and save time, resources, and energy working on different things simultaneously through content collaboration. Work efficiency is crucial for any organization to scale up to the next level. 

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    Nimesh Patel is the Product Manager and Growth Hacker at Multicollab. For the past 10 years, he has been a prolific marketer and product builder in the WordPress and e-commerce industry.