How Multicollab Secures Data By Moving Your Editorial Workflow To WordPress

Anil Gupta
How Multicollab Secures Data By Moving Your Editorial Workflow To WordPress

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    A data breach happens when someone with malicious intent gains illegal access to data that they don’t own. This can happen when too many individuals have unrestricted access and there are multiple ways to enter into your organizational storage drives.

    Check out the biggest data breaches of 2021.

    Clearly, a data breach can cost you big time.

    In a world that requires seamless collaboration and a tech stack with lots of apps, it can be challenging to secure data. Especially while collaborating with members outside your organization.

    This is something that content development teams deal with regularly as they create content with external stakeholders, clients, managers, and more. Consequently, they face a lot of challenges while attempting to keep their organizational data secure and private.

    Let’s take a look at how WordPress content teams struggle with protecting their data.

    How data security is a challenge for WordPress content teams

    Presently, WordPress content development teams use third-party content writing tools like MS Word and Google Docs to draft content and cloud-based storage systems where they will secure their organizational data.

    Also, teams use various third-party tools to communicate and keep track of progress.

    When granting external members unrestricted access to data and adding new tools to the workflow, data security can be challenging. Here are three things that pose as a roadblock to securing organizational data by WordPress content teams.

    1. Giving unrestricted access to external organizations and individuals

    To include stakeholders, clients, and reviewers in the WordPress content approval workflow, content teams have to give them complete access to their data. They could give restricted access based on the role and phase of content development, but this will increase the workload significantly as they will require someone to manage it.

    But giving complete access to content, spreadsheets, project management boards, and folders to members outside of an organization is risky. The possibility of unwanted parties having access to your data increases and team members could even share confidential files mistakenly.

    This also affects the content production workflow.

    2. Making changes in your editorial workflow to incorporate them

    The editorial process in WordPress is partly determined by the direction of the flow of information and the individuals involved in the process. For instance, managers and clients can be involved in the ideation process, after which the information is transferred to the writers.

    Involving external organizations and individuals might require you to modify your WordPress editorial workflow. This translates to longer deadlines, more bottlenecks, a higher probability of delays, and more.

    This often means adding more tools to your existing WordPress editorial workflow and increasing the number of entry points for external individuals. Plus, you need to integrate the new tools into your existing tech stack and the workflow of your in-house team and the external team.

    All in all, making changes to your editorial workflow increases the risk of a data breach.

    3. Difficulty in tracking changes due to involvement of multiple individuals

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    In the previous sections, we have hinted how involving multiple individuals not only increases the security risk but also slows down the production process. Here is another kicker: it also decreases the quality of content.

    Due to the involvement of too many individuals in one place, it will be challenging to track the edits put in by everyone by the time it reaches the final stage of publishing. It can make it difficult to prioritize feedback and confuse the writers and/or editors about the instructions — thus making the whole content approval workflow tedious and frustrating.

    To sum up, the above three challenges put organizational data at risk in the following ways:

    • Inadvertently exposing confidential data of your organization in its raw form to external parties such as clients, stakeholders, and subject matter experts (SMEs).
    • Modifying your already existing and secure content production workflow to make it inclusive to the aforementioned external parties.
    • Incorporating more tools to modify your process thereby increasing the security risks by adding more points of access.
    • Kicking off a negative feedback loop where the stricken editorial process in WordPress slows down due to the collation of many individuals’ feedback in one piece.

    Fortunately, the above consequences can be avoided by using Multicollab, a solution that will not only make your WordPress content production process fast but will also secure your organizational data.

    How Multicollab secures data by moving your editorial workflow to WordPress

    Multicollab is a WordPress plugin that helps content development teams shift their editorial workflow to Gutenberg Editor by enabling Google Docs-style collaboration.

    By using Multicollab, you can look forward to the following three advantages that will help you secure your organizational data.

    1. No need to give access to your private drives

    Since you will be collaborating with everyone directly on the WordPress Editor, giving any kind of access to the drives, folders, and files of your organization will not be necessary. You can collaborate and share feedback on multimedia content and dynamic content as well.

    Team Collaboration

    This will help secure your data within the organization. It reduces the odds of unauthorized parties consuming and/or editing confidential data. If the stakeholders, clients, or SMEs want to edit content, they can do so directly on the Gutenberg Editor with Multicollab.

    They can also comment and suggest changes to the content developing team by tagging individual members.

    Commenting & Suggestion

    As a result, your content editorial process in WordPress becomes better.

    2. Keep your editorial workflow simple and efficient

    We have explained earlier how using third-party content editing applications and cloud-based file sharing systems makes the WordPress content approval workflow slow, tedious, expensive, and inefficient.

    This can all be solved by using Multicollab.

    You won’t be moving content back and forth between the content editing app and WordPress editor during the publication process. Multicollab enables co-editing which will transfer your entire editorial process to WordPress.

    As there will be fewer tools in your stack, there are fewer points of access, which will further secure your data.

    3. Track changes and manage permissions easily

    Another challenge that WordPress content development teams face — one that could easily become a security risk — is the difficulty in tracking editorial changes.

    However, Multicollab makes it easy for you to track changes in a post.

    Activity Dashboard

    You can also set permissions for various collaborators depending on the phase of development, with one click.

    Manage Permissions

    This will give you more control over the WordPress editorial process which will not only help you produce better content but also secure your organizational data.

    Summing up

    Data security is an extremely crucial yet often overlooked aspect for WordPress content development teams. Giving unrestricted access to organizational data while collaborating with external parties increases the risk of a data breach.

    Multicollab, a WordPress collaboration plugin, helps solve this problem by giving you the following three advantages:

    1. You won’t need to provide access to organizational data to external parties as it will move your entire editorial process to the WordPress Editor.
    2. It will reduce the number of third-party tools needed, thus making your data more secure by reducing the number of access points.
    3. You can easily track changes and manage permissions of who has access to the content on WordPress itself.

    Try Multicollab today to secure your organizational data while producing content more efficiently.

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    Anil is the Founder of Multidots, Multicollab, and Dotstore, renowned for helping enterprise brands like PepsiCo,, Penguin Random House, and Sirius XM with WordPress publishing.